Hunter, also known as the Golden Guard, is a major character in the Disney Channel animated series The Owl House. He is the new leader of the Emperors Coven following Lilith Clawthornes defection and Emperor Belos nephew and right-hand man, who is sent to spy on Luz and Eda in order to make...
Hunter, formerly known as the Golden Guard, is a major character in The Owl House, initially depicted as an antagonist. He was the right-hand man of Emperor Belos and the former head of the Emperors Coven.
Hunter, formerly known as the Golden Guard, is a major character of The Owl House, initially depicted as an antagonist. He was the right-hand man of Emperor Belos and the former head of the Emperors Coven.
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hunter the owl house|The Owl House Interview: Zeno Robinson On Hunter, Flapjack
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